Has Your Email Been Compromised?
If your social media account has been hacked, it is crucial to check your email account(s) security as often this is the backdoor back into all your accounts.
Email Compromise:
Your email account can be used to reset all your social media accounts. You may think you have changed your passwords on your 'hacked' social media accounts, thus believing it is now secure. However, if someone has compromised your email account, they can simply change it again, giving them further access!
What to do?
Check what email accounts you have linked to your social media accounts and ensure that you have changed the email account password.
Check your email settings:
Criminals will often change your email settings, so they are sent copies of all the emails your send and receive. Visit the support page of your email product to find out how you can check and fix this if needed. ​
Check your email login history and for linked devices associated with your email account.
Apply 'Two Factor Authentication' as an extra layer of security!
Gmail Account:
Below is an example for a Gmail account on how to check these settings- You may need to go through a web browser not the app!
Checking to see if there are any additional devices logged in to your email account:
Login to your Gmail account
Scroll down to the bottom right corner in your inbox where it states, ‘last account activity’ and select ‘details’
A pop-up will appear detailing all recent activity.
Checking for forwarding rules within your Email account:
Login to your Gmail account
Select the cog in the top right​​​​​​​​​​​

3. Click the ‘See all settings’
4. Select the ‘Forwarding and POP/IMAP’

5. Look at the ‘Forwarding’ section under ‘themes’

6. If you have discovered a forwarding rule, then please take a screen shot of this information and then on the right side of the email address discovered click on the arrow and select ‘disable forwarding’.

Sextortion scams – click here to learn how to protect yourself.
How to spot the most obvious signs of an email scam and what to do if you've already responded? click here
Phishing - What is it? Click here