The NCSC assesses the cyber threat to the UK as a result of the conflict remains heightened and organisations are urged to not let their guard down and to consult the new guidance to prepare for the long-term resilience.
It advises that increased workloads for cyber security staff over an extended period can harm wellbeing and lead to lower productivity, with a potential rise in unsafe behaviours or errors.
Accelerating planned action to harden networks and improve resilience capabilities will relieve pressure on your workforce over the long-term. The NCSC has published guidance that can help with this, including:
An extended period of heightened cyber threat may reflect long-term shifts in adversary capability or intent and so you may need to strengthen your cyber security and resilience on a permanent basis.
The recommended actions in the guidance include:
Getting the basics right by following ‘actions to take when the cyber threat is heightened’ guidance;
Revisiting risk-based decisions taken during the initial phase of heightened threat;
Empowering cyber staff to make day-to-day decisions about the threat response without requiring additional oversight;
Ensuring workloads are spread evenly across individuals and teams and that frontline cyber staff can take breaks to recharge;
And accelerating planned action to harden networks and boost defence capabilities
While this guidance focuses on staff most exposed to the response, during a period of heightened cyber threat the whole workforce has a role to play in strengthening an organisation's cyber defences.